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Watch one of our most highly requested webinars - Neurodiversity in the workplace: what you need to know.

Neurodivergence refers to the difference in how some people’s brains interpret information compared to those who are deemed ‘neurotypical’ (i.e. those who interpret information in the way that is expected).

This webinar will give you practical tools and guidance to enable you to give your neurodivergent employees a healthy and safe workplace and in turn, retain talent.


What will I learn?

• Understand what neurodiversity is and when it might be a disability
• Know ways to support neurodiverse employees
• Consider the benefits of employing neurodiverse employees and how to make the most of their skills and talents



Amanda Chadwick

Amanda is an experienced and well known speaker, specialising in all areas of HR, employment law and employee wellbeing.
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